Friday, February 26, 2010

Adam and Eve Moon

stumbles into time, an amateur
actor, used to playing third string 
moon, desperate for work, unaware 

the fame up ahead, unaware of the 
hard work, 
the consistent demand, night after 
year after year, century after century, 

of the bad reviews, the scandals 
and the skewed use, the marketing 
and short marriages to lesser known comets, 

holds the position boldly, washes feet 
every night, gets to know the sun 
and starts to work a rhythm.  

Walks in eighth night, sees burning eyes 
in the garden's only two naked bodies 
covered in golden leaves from the first fall, 

realizes who the stars are, lowers head 
and falls into routine, happy to have a job 
in this shit economy, this universal recession, 

orbits, once again, a slave in the milky way galaxy.

-Aaron Blum


  1. The fifth stanza rocks in this poem. There's a sudden burst of color and passion in it that really centers the piece.
